In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a mother-daughter duo has taken a significant step towards revolutionizing the bathing industry in India. Inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s words, “Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant, and the success will naturally follow,” Kalpana and Lajja Brahmbhatt embarked on a mission to create India’s first-ever homegrown brand dedicated to providing a unique and natural bathing experience. This inspiration culminated in the birth of Neera Naturals, a brand committed to delivering the essence of nature in every bath.
The Vision Behind Neera Naturals
Kalpana Brahmbhatt, with over three decades of experience in the beauty industry, envisioned a brand that would elevate the bathing experience using 100% pure and natural ingredients. Her daughter, Lajja Brahmbhatt, a lawyer by profession with a keen business acumen, embraced her mother’s vision. Together, they created Neera Naturals, a brand that stands for purity, as aptly represented by its name and tagline, “TREAT YOUR SKIN TO NATURE.”
The Unique Formula of Neera Naturals
Neera Naturals prides itself on a simple yet effective formula that incorporates flowers, herbs, and essential oils. Each product is crafted with high-quality, certified organic ingredients, ensuring a nourishing and safe experience for the skin. The brand’s offerings include soaps, bath foams, and hand washes, all designed to provide an unparalleled bathing experience.
Flowers & Herbs: Infused with organic herbs, seeds, oils, flowers, and fruits to enhance natural color, aromatherapy, texture, and gentle exfoliation.
Essential Oils: Pure botanical oils are used to provide therapeutic benefits and natural fragrances.
Skin Care: Each product begins with a special blend of nutrient-rich, skin-nourishing oils and butters.
Commitment to Quality and Nature
Neera Naturals is dedicated to creating products that are not only effective but also safe and gentle on the skin. Unlike commercially manufactured soaps that are often laden with chemicals, Neera Naturals’ soap bars are crafted to be free of harmful additives. The result is a product that is both beneficial for the skin and environmentally friendly.
Certifications and Achievements
Neera Naturals’ commitment to quality is evident in its certifications and achievements:
25 Certifications Accepted: Ensuring adherence to high standards of quality and safety.
100 High-Quality Products: A wide range of products that cater to various skincare needs.
200 Satisfied Customers Worldwide: A growing base of loyal customers who vouch for the brand’s efficacy and quality.
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Greatness from Nature
Neera Naturals emphasizes the importance of using nature’s bounty to create products that are as beneficial as they are luxurious. The brand’s soap bars are unique, incorporating a variety of organic ingredients to provide natural color, aromatherapy, texture, and gentle exfoliation. This dedication to natural ingredients ensures that each product is safe, gentle, and perfect for all skin types.
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Neera Naturals stands as a testament to the power of combining tradition with innovation. With Kalpana’s extensive experience in the beauty industry and Lajja’s business savvy, Neera Naturals is set to redefine the bathing experience in India. By staying true to their vision of providing a natural and unparalleled bathing experience, Kalpana and Lajja Brahmbhatt have created a brand that is not only successful but also significant.
For more information and to explore their range of products, visit Neera Naturals and follow them on neera_naturals for updates.
References & Source Credits: Sustainable Handmade Soap Manufacturer in India | Neera Naturals