Soma ARah, an internationally renowned psychic and Pleiadian Channel, bridges the earthly realm with cosmic wisdom. Her journey, marked by profound trauma and extraordinary spiritual experiences, has led her to a unique mission: to assist humanity in its ascension through teachings from the Pleiadian star system.
A Galactic Mission Through Trauma
Soma ARah’s spiritual awakening began in childhood, shaped by intense trauma that catalyzed her connection with the Pleiadians. At age 12, a pivotal out-of-body experience with Jesus redirected her life from despair to spiritual discovery. This encounter set her on a path of self-education through meditation and esoteric studies, guided directly by the Pleiadians and her spirit guides.
A Unique Educational Path
Blocked from traditional schooling by the Pleiadians, Soma ARah spent her formative years immersed in meditation and study. Her education was unconventional, guided by Pleiadian transmissions and esoteric literature from Edgar Cayce and Doris Stokes. This period of isolation and learning was crucial in shaping her spiritual path and purpose.
Role as a Galactic Messenger
Soma ARah’s mission involves assisting humanity in raising its frequency and contributing to the creation of a New Earth. As a Pleiadian Channel, she offers teachings, transmissions, and channellings designed to inspire, uplift, and guide individuals. Her work includes readings, courses, and workshops in various healing modalities such as Reiki and shamanic practices.
A Beacon of Light and Inspiration
Soma ARah’s role extends beyond individual guidance; she serves as a visionary and lightworker. Her diverse offerings include workshops on Reiki, yoga, gong baths, and other therapeutic practices aimed at facilitating healing and personal growth.
Publications and Media Presence
Her insights and teachings have been featured in interviews, magazines, and radio shows alongside notable figures such as Mary Rodwell and Sacha Stone. Soma ARah’s books, The Pleiadian Child and the forthcoming What’s Really Going On?, are available on Amazon and her website, www.SomaARah.Love, providing deeper insights into her cosmic mission and Pleiadian teachings.
Soma ARah’s life exemplifies the profound connection between the earthly and cosmic realms. Her journey from trauma to spiritual mastery reflects the transformative power of divine guidance. Through her Pleiadian teachings, she continues to illuminate the path for humanity, guiding us through this period of ascension with wisdom and compassion.
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